Review of "Maria Fearing: The Girl Who Dreamed of Distant Lands" by Elliot Duarte

We have asked members of CRBC to submit book reviews of books from our library that they have found particularly helpful. What a thrill it is when a young person does so! You can find Eliana Linz's review of "A Chameleon, a Boy, and a Quest" here on the blog and now Elliot Duarte adds his voice as he notes the impact that this book made on him.

The little bit I learned about slavery was in school and I thought it was a bad thing. The story of Maria was a story of grace, her story is a blessing for me, when she was little she was a slave and then as an adult she went to Africa where other kids were slaves and there she set them free. Maria's kindness and love to others made her work. She trusted God and he took care of her. Her story inspired me to want to become a missionary. 

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